I broke up my Catlin Elm forest.


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I decided to break up my Catlin Elm forest a few weeks ago. They were just getting too hard to get to individually for trimming and when I wanted to wire them.

The main one at the back had a lot of big branches and following the trunk line it looked like it would make a nice Literati, and I do not see many Catlin Elm Literati's. I trimmed a lot of growth off these.

Catlin Elm Literati front.

ElmLiterati by edsnapshot, on Flickr
Actually, looking at the picture I took the front is more like a little turn more to right, :) but you get the idea I hope.

Back Catlin Elm Literati.

BackElmLit by edsnapshot, on Flickr
Sorry for the way I framed that cutting off the tip.

The next two I shaved a little off each at the bottom to align them and wrapped them together to allow them to grow as a twin trunk.

Twin trunk Catlin Elm 1 front.

ElmTT1 by edsnapshot, on Flickr

TT Catlin Elm 1 back.

BacElmTT1 by edsnapshot, on Flickr
Again sorry for the framing, this is planted a bit deeper with the joint below the ground as the pot was deep.

Twin Trunk Catlin Elm 2 front.
This the roots are just below the red lava, they both will have nice nebari in a radial array as they were planted with it already present.

BacElmTT2 by edsnapshot, on Flickr

TT Catlin Elm 2 back.

ElmTT2 by edsnapshot, on Flickr

Of course the back and front sides are just for reference here and not set in stone.

EDIT - for clarity and reference.

OK, I should have posted this the first time so I have to edit it now. This is how it looked after I took the largest tree of the group and the second smallest one last summer and made a two tree group. I then replanted the five trees in a slab I made out of Ohio river bed rock and some stones cemented around the edges for a pot wall.

2 tree group

Elmsize by edsnapshot, on Flickr

The 5 trees planted in the slab.

Forestsize by edsnapshot, on Flickr

This was from summer of 2012 not long after I moved it into a new pot and trimmed it with the original 7 trees.

No Fishin! by edsnapshot, on Flickr

Hope this makes more sense ! :)

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Cool ed, I like the twin trunks. Did they fuse like that as yu got them or did you plant them together?
Cool ed, I like the twin trunks. Did they fuse like that as yu got them or did you plant them together?

I just planted them that way 2 weeks ago, they will fuse as they grow some with time.

What?? No pre-separation pics? We gotta see what this looked like before you took it apart! Please?:p

EDIT: I think I just found another thread about the grouping...
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I agree, I'd like to the group planting, too. It would be difficult for me to break up a grove, you're a brave man.

Ok, this is the link to the old thread here Catlin Elm 7 Tree Forest http://bonsainut.com/forums/showthread.php?7124-Catlin-Elm-7-tree-forest

This is the link to the first time I removed 2 trees. The taller one is the tallest tree from the grouping. The slab for the 5 remaining trees is from an Ohio river bed with rocks cemented around it to make a pot wall. http://bonsainut.com/forums/showthread.php?12488-Deforestation-Reforestation-Seperation

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Man these are growing so much they are becoming a pain in the ass ! This one I was hoping to make a Literati out of back-budded from the soil line all the way to the very top !:mad:! originally it looked like this.

ElmLiterati by edsnapshot
Sorry, I forgot to take a pic with all the new growth on it.

I was pissed so I decided to maim it. I removed all the new growth. I wrapped the trunk with trunk wrap membrane and secured a heavy piece of copper wire straight up it and wired it. I twisted the crap out of it and pointed it down. I could hear each part of the trunk break as I twisted it. I hope it leaves fissures in the bark that will scar nicely as it heals, and maybe it will slow the damned growth down some.

tortured by edsnapshot, on Flickr

The other side.

Twistedelm by edsnapshot, on Flickr

Looking at the heavy wire you can see how far the bottom was twisted. The top was twisted more, almost 360 degrees while being bent down. Will it survive this ? I really do not care as they are becoming a weekly trim job. The way I see it, with the constant care it takes away the fun and makes it work.

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Maybe this is why you considered my trees development to be impossible; you're literally complaining about your trees being healthy and growing vigorously. I don't even know what to think right now.
Maybe this is why you considered my trees development to be impossible; you're literally complaining about your trees being healthy and growing vigorously. I don't even know what to think right now.

Grow up my friend ....

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