How to know WHEN to repot a Scots Pine

Mike Corazzi

Reaction score
Lincoln, CA
1. Start with a Scots Pine distressed from poor soil and stupid stunts done to it.
2. Apply remedial steps and be rewarded with profuse candles and backbuds.
3. Decide to take a picture to show how nicely the needles are coming in.
4. Lift 9,000 pound ceramic (expensive) pot to place tree in advantageous picture location.
5. Trip over hose on ground.
6. Attempt to regain balance and get feet tangled in patio chair.
7. Fall down and bust pot into a million pieces.
8. THAT IS TIME TO REPOT !!!!! Grrrrrr.....

Oh yeah, also switch to PLASTIC pot you can manage to lift without falling all over yourself.

:mad:Scots repot 2018.jpg
Oh, all of it has been my fault. From an infamous incident with bad akadama to misunderstanding Vance and potting it in ONLY lava, the pore ole thang has been through hell.
However, last year I dug some pits into the lava and put pumice mixed with a "special" potting soil into each corner and 2 places in the lava and the tree responded by FINALLY being able to have some retained moisture and rewarded me with this year's profuse candling and backbudding.

Which I then dump all over the patio out of a busted pot!!! :mad:

But some say it's best to repot during the fall. However, the fall only lasted 3 seconds (maybe 4 if you don't count the 2 hours of profanity)

Thank God for pipe tobacco and rum. And ...yes.... alcohol DID get involved .....after the mess. :D

Bonsai. Noun, plural "bonsai" :
The art of putting labor and errors into a small pot as a decorative object.
It just shows exactly how much abuse these trees can take.
Scots pines are some tough customers.
It just shows exactly how much abuse these trees can take.
Scots pines are some tough customers.
Yeah, but this is WAY "above and beyond."

And THIS year, I have a place where the sun won't be on it after 1-2 PM.
Remember it gets way over 100 F here.

I don't think I missed ANY insults to it. :confused:
Yeah, but this is WAY "above and beyond."

And THIS year, I have a place where the sun won't be on it after 1-2 PM.
Remember it gets way over 100 F here.

I don't think I missed ANY insults to it. :confused:
You've definitely insulted it enough.
I imagine it would like you to turn your special attention to a different tree for a while.
Oh hey! Leaves just popped out. And it jumped into a different pot. :eek:

These are some of my other captive trees that I torment. Don't give me any crap about tilted pictures because I've forgotten which software lets me tilt them.


Big thanks to JudyB for helping me along with this one that was ALSO in 100% lava...AND... a freezing winter. :)

A tall procumbens that was a garden plant as a "staked" juniper that I saw something else inside of.
And....well.... for better or worse....

And which also (during a period of badness) died off one limb so I had to jin it. Wish it had carved out better.

tall procumbens.jpg
There are a few others that I use only to prove that I have more trees to ruin than that one Scots pine. ;):p
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