I ordered three field maples seedlings this spring. They were shipped early, fully dormant. They scared me by taking forever to wake up. After the first broke bud the second took at least three weeks more before it broke. The third never has opened up but I never threw it our either. Every time I want to pitch it I check and find signs of green. Just a few weeks ago I rubbed off a budded thinking they were all dried up and toast. But of course the one I took off was green inside. So I left it. Then just last night I was really going to do it. But I figured I would cut a "branch" and see and sure enough there was green cambium. So what gives? It never felt good enough to go into active growth but has enough reserve to not die? Is there any way that it could live through the winter and break bud next year with no photosynthesis? Should I just compost it? I'm a little confused.