How big of a sin is it to repot a tree right now? (Early Summer)


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Furlong, Pennsylvania
Hello everyone,

I recently bought a Wintergreen Boxwood, at what I perceive to be a highly discounted price, from a local bonsai artist. It is my first full-sized (pre-)bonsai. Despite having been seemingly neglected for a time, it is now thriving out on my deck.
My question is this: How monstrous would it be if I were to repot this plant right now, as we creep along into summer? The reason I ask is because, from what I can tell, it truly does need to be repotted. The gentleman who sold it to me said so as much, but he also said that I should probably wait until next March and focus on pruning back the overgrown branches first. I know nothing about timing one's repottings, whether one should prune or repot first.

Will post pictures of the tree when I get home, but I wanted to open the floor to people who have experience with this species/ repotting to comment on whether or not this might be good for the tree, without any context as to just how overgrown the rootball has become.
You can always do anything you want as long as you keep the tree in balance. A tree is a feedback loop of water up and food down. The bigger the disruption to the loop, the worse off you are.

In spring, water needs are very low because there aren't any leaves and it's not that hot. So that's when you can be aggressive with things like bare root repotting.

In summer, water needs are at a peak. So any root disturbance has to come with a corresponding reduction in water needs, e.g., by pruning foliage, keeping in the shade, watering more often, etc.

Walter Pall actually recommends doing moderate root pruning in the heat of August. As long as you don't take off more than 20% (and the tree is otherwise healthy), the tree won't notice and then it doesn't need a big root disturbance in spring. I have tried this myself and believe in the technique.

Lastly, you can slip pot (into a bigger container) at any time with zero risk.

So with all that being said, what is it that you're planning on doing? Why do you think that it needs repotting?
You can probably get away with it. Boxwood are tough plants. They are the last trees I repot in the spring--usually mid-May...Saw the bottom third of the root mass off, then try to spread the remainder out a bit, work some free draining bonsai mix into the roots. Keep it in the shade for a couple of weeks and off the ground.

FWIW, I have all my boxwoods in pots 1-2 inches deep. I also have a mame-sized kingsville in a 1/2 deep pot. Been there for more than five years...When I repot mine I saw off 2/3 of the root mass, strip out most of the soil. They're fine.
Lotta trappers in yer town?

Welcome to Crazy!

Best to do both during the summer pause IMO.

It will know how to live if you time it right.

Repot to the sound of leftover fireworks!

I say last week was no better than this week. I say that every week, until its so hot I can't stand it. Until then, I have pumice to use.
I'm with rockm here. Boxwood are tough plants. A few people here have had problems with them..........this I can't understand. I have transplanted from ground to pot in the heat of summer. I have at least 4 of them to work on yet this summer.
In my noob-ness last year I repotted a boxwood twice during the South Texas summer. Not into root constricted pots but still. Also pruned, but it's still alive. They grow slow but very tough (as mentioned previously).
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