Honeysuckle? Help ID


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Milwaukee WI
Hello All,

I have noticed some really cool, gnarly looking trees (shrubs?) in the forest near my yard and took a bit to try to identify what species it is, and whether it could make a good bonsai.



From my research the closest thing I can find is that it is some sort of Honeysuckle (although I'm really not sure on this. It flowers in the spring I'm pretty sure white or light yellow flowers). I transplanted a really small one to a pot today (fairly sure it is the same species as the large gnarly one) in the hopes that it could one day make a small bonsai, but I also found a few larger trees with really nice trunks. The problem is I'm not sure how easily I can get one out of the ground, and I'd rather not disturb them if it is unlikely to do well with a somewhat rough transplant. I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on whether or not these are indeed honeysuckle, and if they are, how tolerant do you guys think they would be of a transplant? Below is the small one I already grabbed.

Yes it is a honeysuckle. They make an ok Bonsai. They are difficult to kill and survive if they are collected with few roots. The branches are brittle and do not bend well when lignified.

The exposed dead wood tends to rot easily. On the plus side they resprout and back bud well when chopped hard. Do not need to leave any green for them to back bud like on some trees.

Find a large one with a good nebarhi pull it out with a few roots and repot it next Spring. Cut it back and shape the new growth.
Thanks for the info CasAH, good to know that it will be hard to kill. I'll grab one of the bigger ones in the spring and see how it goes.
I grabbed one this year and they sure are hard to kill!

So lanky....
I'd cut a few back now for collection come spring.

Let em backbud on full roots!

@crust has a good working knowledge of them.
But I don't know where the info is!

Picked up this dwarf Honeysuckle a few months back. I'm training these new leaders because they harden off so quickly. Waiting until the spring to chop the top off IMG_20170713_131907955_HDR.jpg
Grow hard-lots of fert- let grow for periods--don't pinch all the time, TP yearly--work roots hard, use a systemic insecticide. Some variants are better than others.
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