Honeysuckle bonsai?

Chunky Trunks

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Charlotte NC
What is an acceptable variety of honeysuckle for bonsai? Scientific name and named variety if you would be so kind. Also, if you have some photos with the scientific name that would be much appreciated.
Have a great day!
I've been working with quite a few Lonicera nitida. It is as tough as most other honeysuckles but has tiny leaves so great for smaller bonsai. They can be chopped back to stumps and still send up new shoots. No problem transplanting with massive root reduction.
Not sure if there's any named varieties of that one. They are used for hedging down here so sometimes I can dig older plants when someone gets sick of their lonicera hedge.
I have a Lonicera Japonica that I have been training for 2 years now. It is just the normal invasive type that is found pretty much everywhere. It is pretty much a big stump of deadwood with a few live leaders growing, definitely not a traditional form at all.

They don't really take to wiring well since the branches are hollow, but I'm going to try some guy wires this year. I'm still on the fence if I want to repot it again this year or experiment and see if it can go 2 years and reduce more, but they grow roots like nobody's business. The deadwood will be carved later this year once all the Spring excitement dies down. It likes to try to leaf out at almost any opportunity during the winter, almost any time there are a few days over 40, and the new shoots will die and come back again. It flowers sporadically throughout the year, normally from early spring into early fall, which is the main attraction IMO.

I don't have a good photo with me at work, but I will *try* to remember to post one later tonight. No promises, the social media side of bonsai is for my boredom at work only.
I was wondering this myself as I have a few that I need to do something with - bonsai might be the answer!
I would say don't worry about what type they are,,,all are Acceptable depending on what youare trying to produce.. if you see value in a Particular Material then go for it. I have several honeysuckle tree's that I have dugout for experimental purposes for doing different soil types Experiments. They are basically stumps with very little roots potted in cheap Woven wicker baskets and they are Bulletproof.. I Left them unprotected outside on concrete all winter and still already pushing growth as of now.. I stopped asking if a Certain species if Acceptable for bonsai a while ago because losts of people will that tell you what you see value in is trash if not something Widely used but never really tried to make something with said Material.. just my thoughts..
Lonicera nitida and the yellow leaf cultivar Lonicera nitida 'Baggesons Gold' are bomb-proof, easy to grow, with small evergreen leaves like Box. Nice craggy bark and they root easily from thick, mature hardwood truncheons/cuttings.
Btw I have a few bean size trees in tiny pots that rooted from cuttings in under two months.. just about anything you stick in dirt will root, it's super fun to make tiny tree's out the Material...if you got especially if you have one of the small leaf varieties..
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