Help with juniper styling

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First time styling a juniper (or is it a cypress? Im not quite sure).

Ive tried my best, but now looking at it, although it somewhat resembles a bonsai, there is no proportion between trunk thickness, branch length and foliage.

Maybe the correct path should have been some crazy trunk bends to reduce the height of the tree and gain more proportion.

I'm looking for some feedback, also some advice on how to improve it.

Thanks in advance.


  • 20250305_103504.jpg
    277.2 KB · Views: 35
I think this is a good start for a beginner and for the characteristics the tree has. I don't think putting crazy bends in the branches or upper trunk would help you over what you have now. The main lower trunk does not have crazy bends itself and I dont think you could bend it that way as thick as it is so putting them in the branches, upper trunk would look weird.

This tree has graceful movement. I don't think the thinner trunk takes away from it at all. Not every tree have a massive trunk.

Let it grow and recover for now. Feed it. Look to tighten up the foliage pads in future years and hopefully get some back budding closer to the trunk on those long branches.
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