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Savannah, GA
I got these seedlings from a nursery a few years ago. I know they are act palmatum but having difficulty determining what variety. He started them from some seeds he collected. at first I thought they were Trident, but I recently acquired a bona fide trident, and the leaves are completely different. Any help is appreciated.


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I rotate my trees onto my covered front porch. Soon I will put my ficus there and it will go back into the sun.
Definitely Acer palmatum - Japanese maple.
As already pointed out, grown from see means no cultivar. Or, if you prefer, each seedling is a brand new cultivar.

Also agree with the nutrient deficient observation. What fertiliser and how often?
My mind went to ghost type reticulation. If sun, slightly acidic ph, and food don't make the leaves a solid green you got fancy leaves.
This is my fourth spring with this grouping. They leaf out with these colors and get greener as the summer progresses (although they retain a reddish tint on the edges).

I use a 0-0–3 fertilizer in the fall and a fish emulsion (5-1-1) in the spring. I do an application once a fortnight.

I didn’t realize that Maples hybridize that easily.(I know magnolias do from some work with Landscape trees I’ve done in the past). I think I just have a really cool fancy leaved hybrid.
Yeah definitely could be ghost. Mr maple has many ghost varieties
I didn’t realize that Maples hybridize that easily.(I know magnolias do from some work with Landscape trees I’ve done in the past). I think I just have a really cool fancy leaved hybrid.

Enjoy them for what they are. But a named cultivar can only be propagated asexually - cuttings, grafts, air layers. It's the only way to keep the same genetics. If they produce seeds then the genes will remix into different (perhaps very similar) individual. The recombining of genes from two individual plants is how the species can respond to a changing environment.
Also, those are looking a bit chlorotic. Do you have alkaline water?
I have what appears to be iron deficiency or chlorosis on some citrus leaves. Veins dark green while the rest of the leaves were turning lighter. At first I thought it was too much light, they have been under indoor grow lights. Ive been meaning to test my water, what would be the next step based on that?
I have what appears to be iron deficiency or chlorosis on some citrus leaves. Veins dark green while the rest of the leaves were turning lighter. At first I thought it was too much light, they have been under indoor grow lights. Ive been meaning to test my water, what would be the next step based on that?

If you don't have a well, your water has a pH of about 8, and you'll want to use an acid fertilizer.
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