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Hi to everybody I'm from Argentina, living in California, i'm not very fluent in english but I know that going to learn a lot in this forum. Thanks.
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Hi to everybody I'm from Argentina, living in California, i'm not very fluent in english but I know that going to learn a lot in this forum. Thanks.

That sounded pretty fluent to me! Welcome to the site and the *sport* of bonsai!
Welcome! Hope you enjoy the forum and that we can help you if needed. Feel free to ask any questions.

I have a couple of friends that are from Argentina. Based on what they have told me I really would love to visit there one day, it sounds like a beautiful country.
Thank you for welcoming me

You are very kind people, I appreciate your messages. I'm not a beginner in bonsai, I left my country 15 years of work with trees when I came with my family to California, but in fact I realised that I was an ignorant, so here I am starting again from zero. This is why I am happy to have found a forum that is based on bonsai and people that know a lot about it which will help me not make the same mistake from the past.
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