Have been watching the latest local news for SW WA. We've had an over abudance of rain (and remember it rains 369 days a year here abouts, so ya probably don't want to move here) which has caused flooding and some landslides, which closed the freeway, but the latest is a tornado in a neighboring town. So, I'm watching the photo's of the wreckage and "wait, did you see that tree?". I know, I do have BV, (that's Bonsai Virus, where every cell in ones body, including the brain, begins to analyze trees, large or small, standing or not for bonsai potential). "Look at the flat root cluster on that one that blew over, just lop the top 2/3's off it and..." "Hold it, did they just say there were many ornamental trees"? Anyway, I can see it now, first in line are the tornado chasers, followed directly by bonsai pickers, then ambulance chasers, and last the garbage and recycling crews, (ah, if it were only that simple to handle a tornado's aftermath). Happy pick'n.