Have Had 2 Flame Tree for 2 Years and it’s Dying… Help


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Hey Im Dan and I’ve been growing my flame trees for 2 years not. Last week I brought it with me to school and they have has been dying ever since. Is my room too cold? Not enough sun light? Will they recover?

At night I put it in my closet so it isnt Sitting next to the cold window. Is this good to do? Should I invest in a lamp for my trees?

Where was it previously before bringing it to school/college?

Where are you located? What type of soil is it in? Does your pot have drainage?

Looks like its doing okkkk to me as in, alive. Why do you think its dying?

Maybe some light fertilization? Definitely needs more light.
At home. North Jersey

Still in Jersey. Don’t know what soil or if the pot has drainage. Any recommendations?

They have lost almost all they’re leaves.

Should I get a plant lamp for light?
most trees don't want to be indoors...maybe grow something more conducive to indoor living like ficus??
If a pot has drainage there are holes in the bottom of the pot (or at least one hole).
Does the soil look like regular potting soil or is it some kind of a gritty mix?
Unless you are willing to invest in growing lamp(s) to keep them alive, your flame trees will die. Flame tree is a tropical plant that requires a lot of sunlight and warm climate. Somehow you have to meet their needs or they die. Right now they are still OK and should recover once you give it a bit more light.
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I would recommend emergency repotting into a pot with a drainage hole, removing any saturated soil and rotted roots and replacing with new freely draining soil. This can be a store bought soil with extra added perlite, pea gravel, etc.

Then, you need to water it only when the soil feels dry 1/2" - 1" down in the pot, not on a schedule. You may need to check the pot daily to see if it needs water, because when (and if) the tree flushes out into leaf again, water usage is going to increase substantially. When the tree has no leaves, it doesnt perspire much water at all.

Also you need to deal with the lighting situation. A window that gets direct sun is ideal but even this may need extra artificial light.

After all this, youll still possibly lose the tree. In that case, get something new and start again!!!
Update it does have drainage and thank you for everyone’s help I got an artificial light and I’m starting to put it under there.

Also I believe I may have over watering it so that may be part of the issue.

Below is a update of my two boys. If you have any more helpful tips please lmk.


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When you water with a tray like this the run off water can collect in the tray and raise the water level to above the drainage hole in the pot which is about the same as no drainage hole,

only water when it needs it not to a schedule and make sure the water drains through properly,

I often put my house plants in the sink for a thorough water periodically
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