H2O2... Anyone ever use it for mold/fungus on cuttings?


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Orlando , Florida
I've read a few articles on using hydrogen dioxide to kill mold/fungus on cuttings. Has anyone tried it or is there another product recommended? They are flowering quince cuttings I got and figured I'd experiment to see if I can get them to root. That was about a month ago. I am seeing new leaves but this may be from stored energy.
Hydrogen peroxide (aka hydrogen dioxide) effective in killing fungi and bacteria. It acts only on an existing infection and is not a preventative (it is the active ingredient of Zerotol which @garywood recommended to me). I mix 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a quart of water and use it as a spray, soil drench, root dip anytime I suspect a problem. In the end, H2O2 just becomes water, so there's no environmental hazard associated with its use. Alternatively, one could use a household bleach solution as is often advised to sterilize seeds.
Will an H2O2 drench knock down insects, too? Root aphids, for example?
Hydrogen peroxide (aka hydrogen dioxide) effective in killing fungi and bacteria. It acts only on an existing infection and is not a preventative (it is the active ingredient of Zerotol which @garywood recommended to me). I mix 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a quart of water and use it as a spray, soil drench, root dip anytime I suspect a problem. In the end, H2O2 just becomes water, so there's no environmental hazard associated with its use. Alternatively, one could use a household bleach solution as is often advised to sterilize seeds.

Thanks, that was one thing I don't remember seeing is how to mix it if at all. Should it be sprayed daily or weekly...?
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