Guylines and Anchors


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Las Cruces, NM
I had a quick question about the use of guy lines/guy wires and anchors. I have several boxwood I would like to adjust branches on but the branches have already hardened. For the most part, these branches are not thick (a few on a larger specimen are) but they are definitely beyond the “young and green” stage that is suggested for wiring.

My question is this…when is an appropriate time to set the lines? I know that wiring should be done during growing season (on a boxwood), is it the same for using guy lines?
I apply guy wire anytime on my boxwood. Just a few weeks ago, I moved a 2" branch/trunk using a car jack and secured it with guy wires with turnbuckles for adjustment. The branch moved about 3" and the base cracked a bit but that is okay. The crack will actually help it set faster...much faster.

I also applied guy wires on varying sizes, mostly around 1/2" diameter and it helps to "massage" or "exercise" the branch a few days before your final wiring. Better yet, use turnbuckles and after the major bend, just crank it a few turns every day until you reach your ideal position. I tend to go over just to compensate for the spring back later.

Setting takes a long time and during the growing season is the fastest but you will need more than a season on bigger branches anyway. So for me, JUST DO IT! :D

Oh, don't forget to pad/cushion your guy wires. :)
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Your jackhammer and tow truck in the shop?
Huh? I am sorry, I didn't get it.

If you are insinuating my method as overkill, tell me how you would bend a 2" boxwood, I am all ears.
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Take it easy.....Just joking with ya Poink. Picturing the possibilities of that scenario made me laugh.
I know how hard Boxwoods are and it takes a lot of power to move a big branch.
No problem.

Believe me, I tried several more normal & conventional techniques and the branch/trunk won't budge. That is when I thought of using the jack. Went fast and no sweat at all!

Thank you both for the advice. I will start looking at what I need to accomplish this over the weekend. Fortunately, I do not think I am going to need any mechanical assistance since the majority of the branches are fairly small.
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