Growing a new first branch?


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Portage, Indiana, United States
So I picked up this bonsai tree probably 5 years ago from a store. No name no nothing. I've done very little to it besides cut some of those pesky whips that grow out of nowhere. But its time to get this tree into shape because it has a lot of potential! It had some pebble/glue mixture covering a lot of the trunk. When I pulled that nasty stuff off, what do you know, there was about an inch of trunk with a wicked bend biding under there. So my question is, is there a way to grow a new first branch? This tree is seriously lacking branches on one half of the tree.


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Also, I forgot to add, when I removed the decorative pebbles, I found a considerable amount of rot in the trunk :/


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This is one of those posts where I think its a @Smoke alter ego.

Forgive me. I beleive this is a Fukien tea, where is Anthony to break it down.

◀ hollering to the Island.

They are difficult.

One of my best bonsai moments is when I didn't pay 300$ for one.

There is some good info here on them, search Fukien and Anthony as poster and you'll find some.

If you've had it alive that long you are on the right track!

I actual like these trees- yes they can be difficult.
They can also be trunk chopped on a healthy tree and in proper growing conditions. In those conditions it will back bud like mad. They enjoy a well draining soil and warm growing conditions. They do well under lights here in the winter. And yes if you have kept it alive that long then you're doing well.
I would ground layer that fellow and get rid of the rot and roots and start it off right.
Ehretia microphylla.There is a small leafed variety and a large.Looks like you have the latter. If she is right about back budding (and she has got one or more,I haven't), then you chop and hope. But where? At that tiny branch under the crown? But then you lose almost half the tree and some interesting movement. Even worse, above the first branch and start again, with that branch wired as the leader? Yes you solve the big issue of that first branch being absolutely where it should not be IMHO, the interior of the curve-but now we are really starting over. However the branch is fairly thin, so taper will be maintained in time. Or, get rid of that first branch. Go for a literati look,and the devil take the hindmost, although some will say the trunk is not sylvan enough. Again,I tell you that I don't have one (although in my climate, I should). Hope this is help and not blather.
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This is the small leaf type. I air layered this branch off a chopped up sick mom.
They have nice blooms.image.jpg And love to be dry.
Over/ under watering.
What kind of soil is it in?
Change the soil to a bonsai mix.
And move it to a location with bright filtered light
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