Grocery Store Alberta Spruce

Carol 83

Flower Girl
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Who knows why but I just bought this little Alberta Spruce from a grocery store today. My husband said it looked like a "real" bonsai tree. 🙄 Anyway, I'm not positive what I should do with it. Even though it was sold as a "table top tree", I have no plans on keeping it inside, of course. Here's my dilemma. Obviously it's been kept indoors in the store, so will it need extra protection from the cold? It's currently 21 degrees here. Should I keep it with the crapes's and azalea in my unheated detached garage or just set it outside close to the house? Any guidance is greatly appreciated. alberta spruce.jpg
You can set it outside and not worry about it they’re very cold hardy but they are a little difficult to style the branches will spring back up like they’ve never been wired but great little trees
I've put the ornamental ones outside after christmas and they never skipped a beat. As long as it takes plants to adjust to winter, it takes them to adjust to spring. So I would just plop it outside, the buds are still closed so it's not out of dormancy yet. And even if it is, they are about the hardiest spruces around.
I'd wager that the tree has spent the preponderance of its lifetime outside. How long had it been in the store, a month? Set it outside, protect it from the worst of winds and you'll be fine.
Thank you all for your advice. I tend to be a bit cautious, so I think it will be hanging out in the garage. I think the high today was like 25 degrees and who knows how long it's been sitting around in the store. Meanwhile, I have lots of bougies blooming inside :p
This looks like the regular form, I think, not the dwarf 'Conica' variety. If so, it should be much easier to work with from what I have heard.
Every year I end up buying one because of his videos. He makes it look so easy and creates a nice pre bonsai. I get firewood.
While I have a bit of attention, what's the best time to repot? I have some wider but a bit more shallow acrylic grow pots I'd like to get it into after this winter.
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