grape bonsai

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Chicago IL
Hi, I am looking to buy an established grape vine. I am located in chicago, unfortunately nowhere near wine country, so I can't hunt for one easily. Looking for something thick, preferably a table grape variety. I can pay for shipping expenses, please list price if you have one available or can source one. Thanks
I recently saw grapes from Dennis Vojtilla, grower of the 2016 USA National Bonsai Exhibition's "Finest deciduous Bonsai" (European White Birch, Betula alba). He lives in Newberg, OR but I do not have his contact information.

They're we're amazingly healthy and well styled Pinot noir vines that are about 20 years old and were air layered about 6 years ago. Prices ranged from about $199 in pond baskets to large, $299 vines fully wired and established in glazed bonsai pots.
I was recently at House of Bonsai in LA and they had quite a few big ones in large pots. Did not check prices but they looked pretty big and gnarly. They ship so may want to give them a try as well.
A little more info - your description is a little vague.

(1) Are you looking for a grape vine bonsai? (developed as such)

(2) Or are you looking for a grape pre-bonsai? Like a big chunky root-stock with a table grape variety already grafted to it but no addition development?

(3) Or are you just looking for a really nice grape? (i.e. for planting in your greenhouse, or whatever).
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