graftless vs grafted


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hello experts & all,
i'm very new to bonsai, and i'm currently reading and absorbing as much info as humanly possible. one of the big issues I have come across and trying to figure out, is why you wouldn't air-layer nursery stock to get rid of the graft at the base of the trunk.
does it weaken the tree? shorten it's life expectancy? i've read and understand the principles of rootstock, but for bonsai purposes- what are your thoughts on the matter? i'm speaking specifically for japanese maples, that's where i'm mainly focused on.
I really appreciate all your input and experience, looking forward to your replies.

hello experts & all,
i'm very new to bonsai, and i'm currently reading and absorbing as much info as humanly possible. one of the big issues I have come across and trying to figure out, is why you wouldn't air-layer nursery stock to get rid of the graft at the base of the trunk.
does it weaken the tree? shorten it's life expectancy? i've read and understand the principles of rootstock, but for bonsai purposes- what are your thoughts on the matter? i'm speaking specifically for japanese maples, that's where i'm mainly focused on.
I really appreciate all your input and experience, looking forward to your replies.

Many of the fancy Japanese maple varieties are weak and will not grow well or at all on their own roots. Some will not even root when you set up a layer.
So, if they won't grow without the graft, and the graft looks like crap . . . avoid it for bonsai!
thank you j evans!
hello experts & all,
i'm very new to bonsai, and i'm currently reading and absorbing as much info as humanly possible. one of the big issues I have come across and trying to figure out, is why you wouldn't air-layer nursery stock to get rid of the graft at the base of the trunk.
does it weaken the tree? shorten it's life expectancy? i've read and understand the principles of rootstock, but for bonsai purposes- what are your thoughts on the matter? i'm speaking specifically for japanese maples, that's where i'm mainly focused on.
I really appreciate all your input and experience, looking forward to your replies.


Any trees on the go yet moo? Love the all in start. Post some pics in the new section :) Add details to you profile as to where you are for future advice.
Any trees on the go yet moo? Love the all in start. Post some pics in the new section :) Add details to you profile as to where you are for future advice.
not yet! but will soon as i'm on the hunt...
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