hinmo24t Masterpiece Messages 2,480 Reaction score 3,177 Location Dartmouth Massachusetts USDA Zone 7A Jul 30, 2022 #1 I remember working these roots real hard and having to prop it up with a rock...it's doing well months later luckily. It was purchased last summer
I remember working these roots real hard and having to prop it up with a rock...it's doing well months later luckily. It was purchased last summer
Paradox Marine Bonsologist Messages 10,669 Reaction score 13,928 Location Long Island, NY USDA Zone 7a Jul 30, 2022 #2 Lol. You got lucky. The first time I repotted my first pine. I butchered the roots terribly. Good thing for me it had a strong will to live despite my butchery
Lol. You got lucky. The first time I repotted my first pine. I butchered the roots terribly. Good thing for me it had a strong will to live despite my butchery