Going Horizontal !

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It's 4 feet tall? That would make the base around 10 or 12 inches. That is a brute! I like the planting angle change. Sometimes that's all it takes to make a tree go from ok to now that's cool.
By the way Stacy, what the hell is it?
Envious of your material, here, Sawgrass.

You've done pretty much what I was expecting - obscure the scar/lump being a primary objective. Maybe I'm beginning to get it (the art side of bonsai - thanks to your help) :cool:

What to you think about exposing more of the trunk toward the top? I'm thinking it would help to draw attention up and further away from the 'legs' that you addressed by the new slanted planting angle. Would this be overdoing it (obsession with obfuscation)?


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The angle change is a vast improvement. I think it's so interesting how you can have a piece of material and just let it sit, then one day you realize what it needed all along.
Looks real nice ! When I seen " Going Horizontal " I thought somebody had kicked the bucket. ;)

I like new Diagonal lean it has now. :rolleyes:

Could hollowing at the base eliminate the 'walking legs' appearance?
You should change your name to wiregrass.

If you wired grass it would look dope.

Anything you put wire on is amazing!

If this tree had more taper I would expose the trunk more. There is not enough interest there to
Make it a necessity. IMO.

Unless you carry Marie's suggestion all the way
To the top.

This is a difficult tree with two main flaws. First, the scar/lump at the base which creates a nasty inverse taper. Second, the thick trunk and lack of taper above the scar.

No one can fault your wiring or branch placement. Sadly, I think unless you address the two issues above, you will never been very happy with this tree. You will be investing time "finishing" the design on the tree when the raw material isn't there yet.

It is a bougainvillea so I understand your issues/concern about the wood. I don't have any suggestions about what to do because I honestly don't have enough experience with the material.

You have taken a "F" log in the ground and turned it into a "B-" bonsai. Please don't think I'm flaming you - I couldn't do any better and I don't have any suggestions. I'm just not a fan of this material.
I can either chop now and have an ugly tree to look at for years to come, or have a "B" Bonsai as
you have described it, as I wait for a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly.

Well, I started by calling it a "C-" bonsai but I thought you'd yell at me, LOL. Truth is, I've seen a lot of larger bonsai with flawed trunks but great branches and ramification. You appreciate the 10+ years that went into developing the branching, but in the back of your mind you really wish they had resolved the underlying problems with the trunk.

My bougainvillea are all landscape plants, but I know I can chop them to the ground and they will pop buds everywhere. I also know the old wood will rot fast and wounds close fast. So when I look at your tree, I would (if it were my tree) think about reducing it now and dealing with the scars - knowing that you will not have to reduce it again. But I understand where you're coming from. I would just hate to spend all that time on branching, knowing that you will eventually be chopping it off...
Man, now it is a "C-", is that failing?
Or, just skirting by... :)

Well if it's a C- now, you'd work at it and worth at it and work at it, and maybe get it to a B. But that is where it will stay - until you wack it - and then you start over. And all that time you'd be looking at it on your bench and that trunk would annoy you and annoy you...

However if you boldly did something to the trunk NOW, you might be at a D, with a lot more future potential :) And you would look at the trunk and smile :)
That first right branch is hiding a lot of that initial taper.

Can we get a pic facing directly at the....ah, meat and 2 veg. One hour counterclockwise rotation, I think that can reveal the taper, or trim that branch a hair.

For something meant to be shown in full flower imo, the trunk is really not that bad at all.

As spoke of previously in exposing the trunk, maybe just expose the taper points, let the mind do the rest.

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