Ginseng ficus


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I found a pretty cool ginseng ficus, haven't bought it yet but it's not leggy, it has 1 big bulbous root that looks like a chunky trunky. Do ginseng ficus bulbous root/trunk keep growing bigger or stay the same as when you buy them?
The tree will keep growing proportionately. If you have big bulbous roots, they will also continue to grow. So the top half will continue to be out of proportion. It is not without a small amount of risk, but the best way to rectify this in "ginseng" ficus is to do a chop as per this thread:

The tree will keep growing proportionately. If you have big bulbous roots, they will also continue to grow. So the top half will continue to be out of proportion. It is not without a small amount of risk, but the best way to rectify this in "ginseng" ficus is to do a chop as per this thread:

Oh thanks 😁
I ended up getting it, and cut some of the bulbous side roots of and left the biggest one, it's not too un proportional. I did wire the branches out, now I just gotta do some pruning, but I'll wait a few weeks so I can put it in a greenhouse after pruning. Looks like this IMG_7869.jpeg
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