Gaitano’s 2024 Vance Wood Memorial Mugo 4 Yr Contest

I went through the tree and cleaned out the dead branches and needles. Removed a few minor branches (leaving stubs) and identified major branches to remove when the time is right. I opened up the top a bit to let light and air into the small buds closer in to the trunk, that will eventually take over for the long leggy branch ends. A probable trunk line was also identified.

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I repotted mine yesterday. I removed the bottom half after cleaning off the surface. Thick Circling roots were untangled and cut back to existing side roots. Potted into ceramic grow pot with 1:1:1. Today I removed a few branches that would not be part of the overall design. I left subs and painted them red so I know I can remove them next year. Some branches were pulled down or over to let in more air and light to interior buds. Some long branches were reduced to a few terminal tips to give them all the energy. I want to grow these sacrifice ends out to strengthen the new internal buds and stimulate new back budding growth. Or at least that’s the plan. I did find ants under the pot farming some sort of larvae. Some may have been tunneling in the pot as well. I may have to treat with beneficial nematodes. I don’t know if root aphids get to pine roots or what the larvae were.
Bottom half removed, circling roots untangled, big ones cut back
Some foliage removed, probably not quite 50%
Branches pulled down and stubs painted. Done for now
what a crazy ass trunk, excited to see what you do with this. we'll done.
That makes two of us! Hopefully with Vance’s wisdom I can have success.
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