fungus gnat - misquito bits ok to use on bonsai?


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Phoenix AZ
For fungus gnats - is it ok to use Mosquito bits product?

I am using sticky traps already, and have cut back on watering a bit to let the top dry out more, but still seeing some gnats.

Will the ingredient in Misquito bits (Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis) stress the bonsai in any way, or are they pretty safe to use?

thx in advance
Just keep it away from foodstuff.
Even though there's little information about toxicity of bacillus, it's been a bitch and a half in the pharmaceutical and food industry. The spores can survive extreme heat, UV radiation, high pressure, drought, and they're notoriously hard to get rid of. If you have pet insects, expect them to also die if you use these bacteria inside your home.
Just keep it away from foodstuff.
Even though there's little information about toxicity of bacillus, it's been a bitch and a half in the pharmaceutical and food industry. The spores can survive extreme heat, UV radiation, high pressure, drought, and they're notoriously hard to get rid of. If you have pet insects, expect them to also die if you use these bacteria inside your home.
Thanks, No pet insects, I do have 2 dogs, once is a small puppy. He likes the smell of organic fertilizer, but my trees are up high on benches so he can't get to them.
The cause of a fungus gnat infestations is overwatering. Don’t know what plants you are raising, but you’ll need to ease down on the watering. Let the soil get just about dry before watering each time and water less.

You can use Safer soap spray to nuke the gnats. For next watering use 50/50 3% H2O2 and water. Afterwards use 1 TBSP per qt of water each watering. This works fine here for these little buggers.

DSD sends
Peroxide solution has worked great on fungus gnats here too. Non toxic to human, pets and trees but deadly on small life in the soil and breaks down to Oxygen soon after use.
Just be prepared for the soil to bubble up like a volcano after application. Soil all goes back into place after a few minutes.
Best things are sticky traps and fresh live nematodes. Just traps is not enough to get rid of them though.
I almost got rid of all of them by using lots of nematodes. But they came back after the nematodes ran out.
I have been using Mosquito Bits in houseplants for years with good results.
I have been using Mosquito Bits in houseplants for years with good results.
Do you make a tea with the bits? Or do you just sprinkle the bits in your houseplant and water like normal? I just made some mosquito bits tea and watered every single bonsai and plant outside today. Going to repeat in a week, and hopefully these buggers will be gone.
Not sure that will work, but it’s worth a try. I’m pretty sure the directions in my plastic bottle s say to sprinkle the bits on the soil…

Mosquito Bits never did much to knock down the infestation in my azalea cuttings last year. That’s why I switched to H2O2. This year the issue was almost non existent.

Good luck
DSD sends
Do you make a tea with the bits? Or do you just sprinkle the bits in your houseplant and water like normal? I just made some mosquito bits tea and watered every single bonsai and plant outside today. Going to repeat in a week, and hopefully these buggers will be gone.
I just sprinkle the bits on the surface of the soil. The adults don't disappear immediately but the effect seems fairly durable, 6+ months.
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