Fukien tea survived


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Hello! I had a recent post somewhere in april or something like that related to my fukien tea. It started to drop leaves and there were barely any leaves left at some point and thought it was dying. Hot season came, put the bonsai outside and now it's full of life/ Cut off all the dead branches, watered it everyday since the soil gets roasted in the sun. Right now it gets a lot of sun throughout the day, no problem but soon the temperatures will drop and won't be able to keep it outside and will have to put it again in my room right in my window, otherwise it will get no light. I still didn't start to use the fertilizer yet, water seemed to do a really good job. A question i have is if i have to trim it? It look pretty "chubby" right now and i like it but i don't know how to trim it. I will attach some photos of my little one


  • WhatsApp Image 2023-08-24 at 10.19.18 (1).jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-24 at 10.19.18 (1).jpeg
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  • WhatsApp Image 2023-08-24 at 10.19.18.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-24 at 10.19.18.jpeg
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As people probably explained in the previous post Fukien Tea is known for having a sulk and dropping leaves whenever conditions change. It may even do the same thing when you take it indoors.

As for trimming I don't see any long shoots that really need a trim. Pruning is to keep out bonsai it the shape we want. If it is not out of shape there's no need to trim. If you think the shape is not right then take the cutting scissors and snip off parts you don't like. Simple.
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