My Fukien Teas thrive in this 10a zone all year, with nighttime winter temps rarely dipping much below 50F. My experience is they never go truly dormant, but they can slow down quite a bit. They'll appreciate any sunlight and heat you can give all year, and are also prolific at fruiting when happy and warm. I bring mine inside if it's going to be much below 45-50 for any appreciable time. Most of mine never get any direct sun, but reside on a hot, South facing porch with lots of reflected light from our cement driveway.
At 45 or lower I bring in my most sensitive plants, usually FT, mangrove. My mitragyna gets wheeled inside every night when it goes below 55 - 60, and back outside in direct sun by morning.
Colder than 45 and most all my plants get consolidated on my front porch and wrapped in plastic, or brought inside. I keep a lot of potted trees and other exotic plants.
I have the opposite problem, so I haven't really put any effort into those species that need a dormant period. But I must say I probably have more FT specimens than any other. A personal fave. I lost my mother tree to neglect a few years ago while on vacation when my watering person didn't quite follow instructions

. She was about 11 years old at the time, but her babies are everywhere I look.