Fukien Tea advice

Steve C

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SE Michigan
Would like some HONEST advice here.

First off, I'm only 18 months into Bonsai so I know I am not as wise as many here but please be honest with me. If you see something you fee I screwed up or did know know then please let me know.

I bought this about 6-7yr old Fukien tea the other day, I wanted to do an informal upright with it.

Here's what I did. One thing I don't like is the rear crossing trunk branch, but sometimes you have to deal with what nature gives you.

Others than that, any advice on how much I messed up?;)




Should've wet the paper towel.

Kept foilage closer to the trunk.

If you have had this 18 months, and it is alive, thats a great start with a FT IMO.!

Reread " the other day " .

It might drop its leaves. I wouldnt move it much anymore.

Root those cuttings.!

I am considering, because I neglect them in favor of my natives, getting rid of tropicals.

You can find some local seedlings, Ulmus in particular is my favorite, and have loads more fun and work to do to keep busy.

I dont knoy why you removed the branches closer to the trunk. you need to cut back the branches hard back to create taper and ramification.
hope this helps


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Steve I don't like the bar branches. It looks like a cross. I would remove one or the other of the two middle branches. IMHO. This tree will put out a ton of growth once it gets going.
Appreciate the input. The reason I choose to remove some of the branches closer to the truck is because I wanted to do something a little more different with this FT than my other FT's I have. Wanted to go a little more of the "pad" look with this one.

Hadn't considered removing one of the two branches but now that you mention it I certainly will give it some thought.

Yep it'll drop it leaves I'm sure. Every FT I have has dropped it's leaves right after I repot, they've all come back nicely though after they drop. The first FT I had I thought I killed because of the drop lol. After much reading though I learned they are just a fussy tree and will drop but come back.

sorce- I've got a couple FT's I've had since the start 18 months ago which are doing well. Took me a bit but finally got the winter lighting figured out to keep them happy during the winter months and the do well now. I lost one out of four FT's since I started. The one I lost was my fault for not keeping it watered properly, one of those live and learn lessons on that one.

Appreciate the input. The reason I choose to remove some of the branches closer to the truck is because I wanted to do something a little more different with this FT than my other FT's I have. Wanted to go a little more of the "pad" look with thus one...

Reconsider Neli's post. Taper and ramification are created by cutting branches back to interior growth. When you remove the interior growth there is nothing to cut back to. You don't get a foliage pad, you get a long straight branch without taper and ramification. The good news is that Fukien tea bud back readily. Give it full sun and do not pinch. Let it grow and watch for interior budding. When you see it, start pruning the exterior growth to direct more energy to the interior. When it gets strong and healthy, cut back the branch to the interior bud.

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Appreciate the input. The reason I choose to remove some of the branches closer to the truck is because I wanted to do something a little more different with this FT than my other FT's I have. Wanted to go a little more of the "pad" look with this one.

Hadn't considered removing one of the two branches but now that you mention it I certainly will give it some thought.

Yep it'll drop it leaves I'm sure. Every FT I have has dropped it's leaves right after I repot, they've all come back nicely though after they drop. The first FT I had I thought I killed because of the drop lol. After much reading though I learned they are just a fussy tree and will drop but come back.

sorce- I've got a couple FT's I've had since the start 18 months ago which are doing well. Took me a bit but finally got the winter lighting figured out to keep them happy during the winter months and the do well now. I lost one out of four FT's since I started. The one I lost was my fault for not keeping it watered properly, one of those live and learn lessons on that one.

Im with you Steve. I like the idea of the floating pads. Certainly your call on the design wanting to do something different than the other FTs. I might remove the left one and change the potting angel to the right and go for a more slanting style. Keep us posted.
I'd like a little input from you guys on another one of my FT's as well if you wouldn't mind giving some thoughts on this. This one is one I have had for about 8 months now. When I got it it was growing upright but I angled it as a slant when I repotted it back in the spring and that is the direction I plan to keep going with it.

My question is about the one lower branch on the right. I left it back when I repotted because I was going to see about growing it out a bit and see how I liked it. Just this morning though I decided to get rid of most the ground cover I had and replace it with some clay, so now that I look at it more clearly I'm thinking maybe cutting it off at the red line. Anyone care to share thought on that idea?

I'd like a little input from you guys on another one of my FT's as well if you wouldn't mind giving some thoughts on this. This one is one I have had for about 8 months now. When I got it it was growing upright but I angled it as a slant when I repotted it back in the spring and that is the direction I plan to keep going with it.

My question is about the one lower branch on the right. I left it back when I repotted because I was going to see about growing it out a bit and see how I liked it. Just this morning though I decided to get rid of most the ground cover I had and replace it with some clay, so now that I look at it more clearly I'm thinking maybe cutting it off at the red line. Anyone care to share thought on that idea?


Definitely Steve, it goes against the flow of the tree. I would also clean up the bottom 1/4 of the trunk and expose it. Perhaps wire the first branch on the left (pointing down) level to start a pad. Just my thoughts.
Or let it grow unrestrained to fatten the base of the trunk then cut it off years later.

After much consideration I removed the branch last night. I'm much happier with the flow and direction of the tree now without the branch. I may end up removing the first branch which faces straight towards the viewer as well to open up the trunk a bit.

After much consideration I removed the branch last night. I'm much happier with the flow and direction of the tree now without the branch. I may end up removing the first branch which faces straight towards the viewer as well to open up the trunk a bit.

Nice! How about cleaning up that base of the trunk?
That will probably be my next thing I do. The leaves that looks like they are on the trunk are actually on short 3-4" long branches that face straight at the viewer on the front, and then one pretty much straight out the back on the backside. So those will probably get removed as well.
Nice Steve.

It looks like that top left branch in the apex is thinking about ruining your taper,any thought of layering it off?

Thanks sorce. I may remove that one in the spring but not 100% sure just yet. In the below pic the white line is the apex I have been trying to follow with this one. I was thinking I'd let it grow and continue to make it taller as it does but lately I have been thinking about cutting where I have the red line and then just keeping it shorter but letting the trunk fatten up some. So not sure yet which I will do but since FT's are such slow growers I have some time to decide I guess.

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