Flame Tree Seedling Has Issues


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I too got a couple Bonsai Kits & most seeds didn’t sprout but a Flame Tree one did, which suprised me. It grew quickly to 3.5”, but then I noticed the tip keeps drying out no matter how much the soil is watered. ALSO, there is no Root! It just looks like a beanstalk.
It has soil with perlite for drainage, is in a compostable cup & was started with cococoir. It sits on a south facing windowsill where it gets light (indirect & direct depending on time of day) all day & the top is covered with a small platic top to prevent drying out. I’ve tried leaving it uncovered but doesn’t make a difference. Does it need to be outside in more direct light?
I have no idea what to do! Please help.
If the flame tree is Delonia rex .
I suggest getting a Texas Ebony or Tamarind.
The delonia is branch poor.

Good Day

Thanks Anthony! I don’t think I’ll try this type again, but can you speak to the complete lack of roots? I don’t know how it grew as long as it did without roots...

Welcome to Crazy!

Roots are only to make uptake of water more efficient and particular. They're not necessarily necessary for life.

It's hungry. Put it in a cup of dirt.
Hi! I have a couple of flame trees growing from a kit like that too! As soon as they sprouted, I uncovered them and put them outside. They are tropical trees so they like 20C temps and up, 12hrs sun a day. If it looks like a bean stalk and it's 3.5'' and it still has just the cotylodons/first 2 leaves, I think it needs direct sunlight to start developing true leaves. Depending on where you're at, you can probably leave then out (I'm in the Chicago area and mine have been out since last month). As far as the roots, you may need to repot. I had mine in compostable pots and put the whole thing in a bigger pot. I made my own soil mix with peat moss, potting soil, lots of perlite, compost, and pebbles since sandy loam is hard to find around here. They seem to be doing fine and survived a raccoon raid not so long ago so they must like their homes!

Hope this helps!
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