fiskars etc. in stock on amazon


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Dartmouth Massachusetts
was led here by another thread, in case anyones looking for new pruners

20,000 reviews at 90% positive rating, $13ish,

and this because size (i only water with rainwater) and somewhat 'fine' spout

those fiskars sold out last season when i was going to buy them on there

thanks to @sorce and @ someone else for leading me there, yewww
btw im aware i might have been ripped off on the water jug. had a nightmare of a time finding one last year
like that though so just said f it
Lowe’s in my area has the watering cans in stock.

Mine is going on three years old, I use it for liquid fertilizer only, I keep it in the garage when not in use.

Same price at Home Depot... don't have to wait for delivery.

I had the same brand water can (again I bought it at Home Depot, but the smaller version. I thought it poured more water than I needed as I ended up with a lot of run off every time I used it. I epoxy-shut more than 2/3 of the area, worked much better.

Lowe’s in my area has the watering cans in stock.

Mine is going on three years old, I use it for liquid fertilizer only, I keep it in the garage when not in use.
i almost cancelled the order for the can but decided to try it. figured if the head pops off too often, ill try to modify it if need be

Same price at Home Depot... don't have to wait for delivery.

I had the same brand water can (again I bought it at Home Depot, but the smaller version. I thought it poured more water than I needed as I ended up with a lot of run off every time I used it. I epoxy-shut more than 2/3 of the area, worked much better.

good find, and i was thinking of modifying the nozzle by superglueing it on and make larger or smaller holes depending on the flow
I like the idea of the removable water screen, makes it easy to clean small debris from clogging the water flow.
I also had that watering can....the spout kept popping off and as @Maiden69 said, it dumps a lot of water quickly.....too quickly for my liking.
I also had those bypass pruners....I must have had a bad set, first time I closed them, the blade bit into the other side and ruined it.....homey depot.
As pruners go, Fiskars are pretty utilitarian. Their price point is very good, but I am spoiled by Felco bypass pruners. They are a standard in the nursery trade. I have three of them. One for outside work, one in the basement garden and one in my car. They are all 30 years old or older. All have their original blades and springs. You can hone them dangerously sharp if you need to.
good to know @penumbra. those look nice.

i got these for last season and i didnt find them to work well at all (theyre cheap but had good reviews...i wonder if me being a lefty has anything to do with this) i was going to get the fiskars until sold out, and got this $10 well reviewed ronix

good to know @penumbra. those look nice.

i got these for last season and i didnt find them to work well at all (theyre cheap but had good reviews...i wonder if me being a lefty has anything to do with this) i was going to get the fiskars until sold out, and got this $10 well reviewed ronix

View attachment 358284
All of mine are Felco #2 which is the classic model. My wife uses #7 which has a rotating lower handle that reduces hand fatigue. Having used the #2 for over 40 years I can't make the switch. By the way, the holster is well made and will last decades.
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