Getting ready for the all weekend shohin workshop out at Ed Clarks nursery. Along with the new pine I will style in the morning, I will bring these five for review and tweaks. The foliage is not done coming out and I suspect they will look much better in about a week.
l. to r. Trident, elm, trident, hornbeam, procumbens.
I think I want to turn the procumbens upright and style a literati out of it. It has been in this pot for 8 years and goes back to when Ryan Neil sat beside me at Hanford Ca. bonsai meetings 12 years ago.

l. to r. Trident, elm, trident, hornbeam, procumbens.
I think I want to turn the procumbens upright and style a literati out of it. It has been in this pot for 8 years and goes back to when Ryan Neil sat beside me at Hanford Ca. bonsai meetings 12 years ago.