Ficus Too Little 1st Bonsai


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North Carolina U.S.A
Hello my name is Jeff I'm new to the forum and I'm new to Bonsai so any knowledge or help is much appreciated. So me & the wife just got a "Ficus two small" tree and we're wanting to know the basics and how to care for it shape it etc. I believe the grower I bought it from said it was around 4 years old so if anyone has any experience with this type of bonsai or any tips for beginners that would be awesome. The wife and I are both experienced in gardening both indoor and outdoor of various plants and bushes and herbs and flowers she has more of the green thumb than I do but we know the basics about growing just not the best way to grow bonsai


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They are an amazing cultivar. It was my first ficus. Though I had done bonsai a few years before adding it.

One word of warning... they will drop a branch if you wire below the imaginary horizon level. Adam Lavigne told me that...and he is the blogger of

Mine is under a grow light while inside and goes out when my temps are above 65F. *for night Temps. I don't two step my tropical. I have enough trees to do that with.
Welcome to the forum. If you add your location to your profile it will get you the best advice. I have a Too Little ficus and it's a fun plant. It is easy to care for. Where I live, it's spends it's summer, spring and most of fall outside. I bring it in when nighttime temps are below 50 degrees. I do have grow lights. Water, not too dry, not soaking wet, decent light and normal fertilization and you're good to go. Cuttings root super easily. Have fun with it.
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