Ficus Philippinensis March 2019-


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Southwest Florida
I saw someone asking for advice for their Ficus Philppinensis and I was going to direct them to my thread with mine when I realized I've never posted it. So I thought I'd take a little time to go ahead and do so. I bought it in March of 2019. It is a relative of a benjamin, and they don't like to be completely defoliated, I made a rookie mistake of doing so.
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August 2019. At the base of the tree, you may notice I tried to get some small cuttings to take and fuse with the trunk. They did not make it.
February 2021. I realized I couldn't style the tree the way I was with the right branch sticking up like it was so I cut a wedge and pulled it down with a guy wire.
I started my youtube channel after that and I keep forgetting to take any pictures since I have the videos. I do have a playlist for this one. I have since bought a second one because I haven't been able to get any cuttings to strike and I do like the species.
I have had the newer one for about a year. I gave it a light prune in July 2022
What's with all the roots reaching out of the pot? I'm not familiar with this species. Great looking trees.
Thanks. The roots certainly are adventurous. I got that first tree and started working it right away. I’m trying to let this new one I got grow out a little more first. It had so many roots coming out it had attached itself to the pallet but I had to move everything out of the way of the roofing crew, so I had to remove most of them. My new roof is done now so I’m slowly getting everything back in place. I did manage to keep the one big root that I’ve got in the terra cotta pot. Trying to allow it to thicken the trunk more, when I go to repot I will try to graft some foliage on the root.
The roots only get like that after the tree has been in the same pot a while. It has been 4 years since I repotted the bigger one. I’ve clipped off a couple of them.
The roof, soffit and facia work is done so I've been moving my trees back to their normal spots. I had a few trees that looked photogenic so I took some pictures.
A little more aggressive than I would usually do this time of year but according to the new USDA zones that got everyone's panties in a bunch on the other thread I'm in Zone 10b now so I'm sure it will be fine.
I may have allowed the escape roots to escape a bit too much. First two pictures are first thing this morning. Last picture is a couple hours ago. I was trying to go hands off to avoid making the same mistakes I made with the first one but perhaps I waited too long. This is the second tree.
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