Ficus microcarpa (import)

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Here is an import ficus that I have had for some time.
I did some thread grafts last year and three out of the five took...
We had a very rainy autumn /winter this past year, and lost the tops
of the other two. Just haven't removed them yet.
Will try again as soon as I am able...

I am trying to start bringing growth back towards the trunk.
Without actually defoiliating it...
Problem sometimes when one defoiliates a ficus, one losses
growth on branches and they inturn die.

For me, this is a never ending project, that I keep adding to.
When I first received it, it was a stick someone who didn't
know the first thing about bonsai, managed to somehow get
their hands on...

Tree is over 2 feet tall
I observed the same problem about branches dying after defoliation, always thought it was b/c we don't get enough sun light from my location. For that reason I try do partial defoliation on my branches and tend to cut back the over growing ones. I see what you mean about the never ending project. I'm hoping to finish mine in a year or 2 but have a feeling I'll always try to improve something on it.

Yours looks pretty finished to me. I'm not sure how you can force more growth down lower without grafting on a lower branch or do a major trunk chop, say between the lowest right branch and the 2nd lowest right branch on the main trunk. Then it'll be changing the whole design and style. Btw I've always done thread grafts by using branches from the same tree while they're still attached to the tree. It's never failed but the interesting thing was the new braches turned into darker brown color compared to the trunk's color, as if they're grafted from different trees. . .
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I like it. What's that odd root in the back?

The Microcarpa varieties I've tried it on seem to backbud on branches even after I cut back to no leaves. I suppose it could be a matter of time until I lose an important branch due to it, but so far so good. Benjamina seems to be bit less reliable.
ok. cool. that makes more sense. Now I'm interested in more pictures. How are the grafts coming?
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