Ficus #1


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Oceanside California
Starting a progression thread for this Tiger-bark Ficus. You can see the previous post on this Ficus here -

Let this Ficus grow wild for a few years to gain strength. The leggy branches were cut off and sealed. Put a mini greenhouse from Amazon over it. This is to protect againt cold drafts in Southern California during this time of the year. Hoping to expedite the foliage explosion.

Before -


After -


Looking real good.
But… Any plans on removing that big curled root?
Not saying it’s mandatory. But with a tree looking this nice, it might be worth it. 🤔
Looking real good.
But… Any plans on removing that big curled root?
On Ficus, I actually like big stilt roots like that. They don’t look unnatural. But this one does looks big relative to the size of the tree and I will consider removing it in the future. Thanks
On Ficus, I actually like big stilt roots like that. They don’t look unnatural. But this one does looks big relative to the size of the tree and I will consider removing it in the future. Thanks
And it doesn’t have to be entirely removed necessarily. It could be sawed off horizontally on the underside, to create more radial roots off it.
July 7, 2023 update -

It’s time for an update on this beauty. I let the tree push as much foliage as it can in a mini greenhouse. There was so much moisture in there that the tree started bursting with leaves. I’m going to do the mini greenhouse for all of my tropicals in the future. It’s pretty warm during the day in spring in San Diego. But night times get chilly and not enough moisture in the air. So the greenhouse definitely helps.

Once the branches lignify, I will do some cut back, wiring and defoliation later this summer.




Sorry, only primary selection and cut backs in the near future for this tree. No defoliation anytime soon. Need to build more primary branching and secondaries.
Nice ficus with very "tiger" bark! Do you keep the tree and greenhouse in sun? Does the greenhouse ever get too hot? I like the idea for cuttings and to encourage aerial roots on ficus and schefflera.
Nice ficus with very "tiger" bark! Do you keep the tree and greenhouse in sun? Does the greenhouse ever get too hot? I like the idea for cuttings and to encourage aerial roots on ficus and schefflera.
Thanks. Yes. I leave both the tree and the greenhouse in the sun most of the time. They are in my side yard and they do get shade in the afternoon. But I bet you can leave them in the sun. As long as there is enough moisture in the mini greenhouse, these will be very happy.
you guys seem to have an endless supply of really nice tigerbark in the hotter areas of US...
Your zone 10 areas seem close to perfect...:)

I feel fairly sure that the one you have pictured in your post was different. I am familiar with those kind you linked to on Amazon that have work like a pop-up laundry hamper or windshield shade. The one in your post is like a tent, with tension poles and grommets, and maybe even a floor! I don't know where to find that type, but I will have to look a little harder. Thanks!
I feel fairly sure that the one you have pictured in your post was different. I am familiar with those kind you linked to on Amazon that have work like a pop-up laundry hamper or windshield shade. The one in your post is like a tent, with tension poles and grommets, and maybe even a floor! I don't know where to find that type, but I will have to look a little harder. Thanks!
that’s weird. My Amazon history shows the link to the wrong item. Sorry, hope you can find the right item. For sure I got the 2-pack version of this from Amazon though.
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