Features of a cascade? My Variegate Cork Bark P.Afra Cascade


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Barrington, IL
This is one of my variegated cork barks that I bought from Frank Yee's garden. Frank at the time was growing out several trees as cascades, which he didn't do a lot of over the years. This one originally stuck straight outward (horizontal) because of where it was placed in the garden. I wired that branch downward and tried to give it some movement and then left it alone all winter. I'd like some advice from the group on what would improve this tree. I'm open to major wiring to add movement, a harsh chop, etc. I keep these pretty dry, so adding movement with wire is pretty easy. My trees are kept in a climate controlled greenhouse with strong grow lights..

- What should I do to improve this tree?
- What features does a 'correct' cascade bonsai typically have?

Here's a quick video of the tree.
Some still images from all four sides would be nice.
From that look, I think I would cut off the long cascading branch somewhere near where that wire is looped around it and the pot, and wire some of those remaining cascade branches over so it's not so one-sided.
It looks kind of weak too.
I'd repot if it's been several years.
If it's not super weak, I would also cut back every branch to the first pair of leaves to push it back and start some more dense branching.
I've cut mine back to no leaves before with no problems.
Cool plant though.
Are the variegated ones generally weaker growers?
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