Favourite Shohin pot sizes?


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South Yorkshire, UK
As the title really, I see lots of sizes get made, but what sizes do you like for Shohin pots? Any size or ratio you keep coming back to? I'm thinking rectangle based shapes mainly, because that's what I'm focused on making. I'd like my pots to be useful, and possibly suitable for competitive display.
I'm not an ultimate authority, but I would guess round pots, 2.5 cm diameter and at least 1 cm deep, to 10 cm diameter by 2.5 cm deep. all the way up to 20 cm diameter and 4 or 5 cm deep. Rectangles, I don't know maybe 10 x 12 x 4, or similar dimensions.

The smaller the pots, the more difficult to use. Difficult to keep small plants alive in. The smaller the pot, the less margin for error in watering. Soil will dry out quick.
Since Ideally, you want to use different shaped pots in a Shohin display, I would like to buy them along side other shape similar sized pots. Maximum your chances to sell and your buyer to find more useful pots for their displays by keeping good different groupings of different sizes, with all shapes in each size group.

I guess it's better to generalize than specialize for everyone.

I reckon if you can make a good six pot display a couple times over with your inventory, you will make a fun place to shop.

Since Ideally, you want to use different shaped pots in a Shohin display, I would like to buy them along side other shape similar sized pots. Maximum your chances to sell and your buyer to find more useful pots for their displays by keeping good different groupings of different sizes, with all shapes in each size group.

I guess it's better to generalize than specialize for everyone.

I reckon if you can make a good six pot display a couple times over with your inventory, you will make a fun place to shop.

Your own shop is quite the fun place to at least window shop, one day I'll be able to pull the trigger and pick something up
Actually many of the smaller pots are appreciated as works of art, appreciated without ever having a tree planted in them. Many of the famous potters will make a line of tiny pots, just so people could collect signed pieces at an affordable price.
I have a couple of beautiful mame pots from @Pitoon that are art pieces even if I never plant them.
Like tooth to gum ratio .. pot to tree ratio is dependent upon certain qualities one wants to accentuate with the shohin.. the same principles can apply towards larger pots and subsequent trees as well.. you also have to take into account the functionality of the pot which it will serve not only as a piece to be viewed upon but how you can circumvent the horticultural needs of the species of shohin with aesthetics.. for shohin personally I like shallow shohin size containers like 3-7” diameter and 1.5” heigh if round or less if it’s mame I’ve got a few nice shohin containers ranging from pitoon to iker who are at top o their game of contemporary small pots far as I’m concerned.. I do have a shohin Lenz pot but I think Kifu tree can be used for it as well, Mino Kenzan or Imari Shinsen for Japanese or Yamafusa shohin . Rectangular or oval would be anywhere 4.5”-6” in length / width and heigh 2” max as well. But shallow shohin I think is my favorite… you certainly have to water more or have to use pumice filled container or Siobhan on hot days .. but it accentuates the nebari which is what draws me to shohin .. I love a shohin that is robust and stout with good root flare
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For my situation, I like pots best suited for cascade since it gets super hot and I need the extra depth for a bit more moisture retention without having them sit in a tray of water
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