Fairy garden forest?

Carol 83

Flower Girl
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I got a Norfolk pine from the clearance aisle a couple years ago for $1.25. I decorate it at Christmas, and it just sits in my office the rest of the year, so I decided to do something with it. white pot.jpgnorfolk pine today.jpg5202018.jpg5202018a.jpg5202018b.jpg5202018c.jpg
I agree the water element is EL Grande :) Also that Norfolk will do good for many years BUT only trim the top to keep it from growing to tall. They do not easily back bud on the older lower but if the top is kept under control you should not have a lot of lower die back as you are letting light in :)

Cool use for a Norfolk and honest won't take a lot to keep it proper!

Edit; Is there a chip along the rim of the pot so the fairies do not think its a trap and avoid it? Old Lore is all :)

Looks like my day off!
Nice moss too.Seems I can’t find moss anywhere,so bought about 5gallons of live moss scraps on Amazon,going to just mix 50/50 with orchid spahgnum and see if it makes good top dressing for pots......and grow.
Looks like my day off!
Nice moss too.Seems I can’t find moss anywhere,so bought about 5gallons of live moss scraps on Amazon,going to just mix 50/50 with orchid spahgnum and see if it makes good top dressing for pots......and grow.
It's been rainy here, so just scraped the moss off of the driveway.
Very nice! Watch out for cold weather if you have it outside at all. This winter the weatherman missed the prediction by about 10 degrees and I lost my 4 year old beauty. :mad:
@Carol 83
I missed this one the first time you posted it. Carol, is it still going? Really nice use of young material. I like the Cuphea with the purple flowers.
The tree is still fine. Unfortunately the cuphea didn't make it after my co-worker forgot to water it when I was on vacation. I hated that, it flowered constantly.
Looks like my day off!
Nice moss too.Seems I can’t find moss anywhere,so bought about 5gallons of live moss scraps on Amazon,going to just mix 50/50 with orchid spahgnum and see if it makes good top dressing for pots......and grow.

We scrape off sidewalks here with putty knife/scraper;). Same fine grade moss.
I really like this recombination. "Cute'' without any hint of irony.

It has a tropical feel. Like a garden where there are giant leaved tropicals near the bench. The norfolk pines could just as easily be a giant bamboo clump at the Marie Selby Gardens in Sarasota Florida. (good place to visit if you are into flowering tropical trees, orchids, bromeliads, and clumping giant tropical bamboos. A good ''not Disney'' destination about 1.5 hour drive from Orlando Florida.

Funny, while you or I would not immediately consider this ''serious bonsai landscape'' one of the key features of ''serious bonsai'' is that it evokes a feeling reminiscent of a real nature scene. This brought a strong memory back of a real park bench along a path at Marie Selby Gardens. But I guess you'd had to have visited that almost surreal place to appreciate the image.
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