Facebook Live event this Thursday, April 21, 5pm CDT - Underhill Bonsai, Folsom, Louisiana - Bald Cypress forest on two slabs (link inside)


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New Orleans, Louisiana
Underhill Bonsai of Folsum, Louisiana will be doing a Facebook Live event featuring yours truly as the guest artist. We will be putting together a two-slab bald cypress forest planting. Evan Pardue, their artist-in-residence, has come up with a unique design for the two-slab planing. It blew my mind when I realized what the smaller stone represented. The broadcast is free and open to all via Underhill Bonsai's Facebook page.

Underhill Bonsai and I will be posting videos of the event to YouTube. (BillsBayou on YouTube)

We'll be covering stone carving, muck recipes, preparation for wiring, forest design, and care of a bald cypress forest. There will be a live-chat for viewers to ask questions.
See you this Thursday, April 21st, at 5pm CDT!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/underhillbonsai/

One more thing, the larger stone I carved for the planting is just shy of 5' across and nearly 3' deep. It's a very heavy beast. I had to replace my puny air compressor with a more powerful gasoline model in order to work that stone.
Great to see you back at it Bill. You've been missed. I just ordered some BC seeds yesterday with a forest in mind and was thinking of you.
Great to see you back at it Bill. You've been missed. I just ordered some BC seeds yesterday with a forest in mind and was thinking of you.
There's an 800lb grief-gorilla sitting on my shoulders. I'll address it in an upcoming video. It's personal business, but it explains the future direction of my trees and my channel.

When your BC seeds come up put them in different sized pots. Over-water some, over-feed others. In a few years, you'll have a variety of thicknesses which will make for an interesting forest.
Underhill Bonsai of Folsum, Louisiana will be doing a Facebook Live event featuring yours truly as the guest artist. We will be putting together a two-slab bald cypress forest planting. Evan Pardue, their artist-in-residence, has come up with a unique design for the two-slab planing. It blew my mind when I realized what the smaller stone represented. The broadcast is free and open to all via Underhill Bonsai's Facebook page.
Underhill Bonsai and I will be posting videos of the event to YouTube. (BillsBayou on YouTube)

We'll be covering stone carving, muck recipes, preparation for wiring, forest design, and care of a bald cypress forest. There will be a live-chat for viewers to ask questions.
See you this Thursday, April 21st, at 5pm CDT!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/underhillbonsai/

One more thing, the larger stone I carved for the planting is just shy of 5' across and nearly 3' deep. It's a very heavy beast. I had to replace my puny air compressor with a more powerful gasoline model in order to work that stone.
Loved your Facebook live event. Your new hair style!!!!!
Underhill Bonsai of Folsum, Louisiana will be doing a Facebook Live event featuring yours truly as the guest artist. We will be putting together a two-slab bald cypress forest planting. Evan Pardue, their artist-in-residence, has come up with a unique design for the two-slab planing. It blew my mind when I realized what the smaller stone represented. The broadcast is free and open to all via Underhill Bonsai's Facebook page.

Loved your Facebook live event. Your new hair style!!!!!
My new hair style is now my old hair style. After 2-1/2 years, I cut it off.

Glad you liked the event. I'll be posting the video (from my cameras) in the next week.

Later today, if things go well, I'll be posting a "Channel Update" video explaining my absence and the state of my trees (nearly all dead).
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