My first time with a hornbeam but I found them interesting because of their legendary vigor. I picked up this nice pre-bonsai from a guy back in the early spring (this year) and it did precisely one thing: leafed out (as you can see), but nothing else. Meanwhile my other trees have been like fireworks. Any suggestions for what's going on? It was transferred to a different pot (in March) but roots were not touched. A few low suckers were snipped early on and wounds were sealed (see greasy smears on bark), but otherwise it's been stable. Routinely fertilized, high-to-moderate sunshine, watered routinely, standard fertilizer. Original soil had quite a bit of organic but I kept it the same. No sign of pests or disease. Seems like I'm doing something wrong, though. As we're approaching the height of the growing season, shouldn't this thing be taking off?