The tree came from a man no longer able to care for his trees. I got a few and they are all nice and creepy full of character. The problem is they all were extremely rootbound and having already leafed out I didn't do any footwork in their weakened state. I poked a couple holes and added top soil and have fed them building up the strength. Next year they will a proper treatment and hopefully we will see some vigor.
Now while this is not a traditional front, this angle offers superior character. In some cases a rule break is needed or else all our trees would look the same. By clip and grow and allowing the branches to grow longer vertically than I would with other trees I feel I have added a humanity and amplified the character of the tree. The thicker shoots have began to look like fingers and the thinner like nails and growths. The scar gives the tree a place for emotion a face if you can see it. As that fills in and becomes a uro it will be even better. I see a man screaming to the heavens or a tree asking WHY!?
Now there is another front that is more traditional and I am pondering on how I can use it to create a two part tree. A yin and yang in one tree. Perhaps impossible but hopefully achievable.
The bonus is that no matter what if I keep it alive the Elm is easy to work with and could have a complete overhaul and still look good after a few years. This tree has many possibilities and is one of my best cores because of its versatility and challenges.