Elm not pushing shoots yet


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Lawrence, KS
I have three Chinese Elms that have NOT pushed leaves yet. They have buds and they are red and do not look dead and dry. I accidentally scratched one the other day when it fell and it still had a layer of green under the bark.

This is the first year they wintered outside completely in Kansas. It never got horribly cold either.

So I'm not sure if I have 3 dead trees on hand or what. The nights are still cool, in the 40s and 50s but I'm at a loss. Since this is my first winter with them outdoors completely I'm curious on thoughts.

Once it stops rainning I will try to get a picture. Thanks in advance!
You sound ok.

I got a couple post repot still trying to push.

Duhend? Is that Dutch for Dude?
(Please take that lightly)

This too!2015-05-24_05.14.18.jpg

Haha no it's a mashup of my first name Dustin, and my last name. It was from my KU email and it just stuck as a user name.
I've heard of trees that have sat out an entire growing season, only to sprout the next spring (though I don't think that is very common). If the buds look OK and there is green under the bark, there is hope. I've got a couple of trees in that condition as well. Some people around here who have been growing bonsai for many decades do as well. Something about this winter...
Have one doing the exact same thing.Just have to be careful with the water. The roots will rot on these fast.
Couple popped since.

How bout you?

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