E Pallazo Vance Wood Memorial Mugo Contest Entry

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Southern NY (NYC) area
Thought I'd throw my tree into the mix. Was recently chatting with another NUT on reddit and figured why not just add this one too so we can all learn from each other.

I purchased the mugo on April 6th from Lowes. I thought it had an interesting MUGO Knuckle base. Left it alone until July 4th when i decided to slip it into a basket. Well, the roots were an absolute mess and I went to it. Cleaning them up and cutting away two side branches. It now sits in the shade tucked in close. It hasn't turned the lovely shade of tan just yet, but I'm fearful it will.

This is the third Mugo I've worked with, the prior two making the ultimate sacrifice in my quest for bonsai education. This is the first Mugo i worked in summer, prior two done when most other trees get worked in Spring. BUT Mugos want to be different and according to Vance Wood liked to be worked when you would never contemplate. If this tree makes it ill be surprised, but in any event you all will get to see its progress, whether into a thriving living bonsai or a skeleton of its prior self and an accent to the stoops Halloween decorations.


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Nice tree! Looks like it may have some potential, can't wait to see where you take it!

Where in the world are you located? You can add your location to your profile so we have a better idea of your local climate.

Out of curiosity, how long did it take the first two to show signs of decline? Are we talking weeks or months?
I just did 3 of these myself over the past few weeks. All look fine so far but conifers are often slow to show problems.
Thanks. I fear I'll be taking it to the dump.

Im in the NYC area. I added that to my Profile.

Thats an interesting question. It took some time, both times, to see that it was dead. First a branch then another then the whole tree. Thats the thing with conifers. they deceive yo into thinking all is well and you continue to water and then Blam it shows its true colors, TAN. I hope it makes it. If not this will be the last mugo i work, they are fussy things.
The Browning has begun. I fear ill lose the whole tree but won't give up till it's all brown. I've begun spraying it with some rhizotonic and covered it with a clear plastic bag, keeping it tucked in close to the north side of the house, getting limited morning sun and shade most of the day. Seeing if I can save any of it. Looking into the pond basket I see what appear to be green roots so it may not be all lost.
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