I hijacked @Lobaeux 's thread about P Afra pruning, but figured it would probably be better to ask in this Forum Instead and collect experience from more experienced people.
I'd like to extend the height of the tree to allow it to be taller and I would also like to continue developing the trunk to be thicker towards an informal upright trunk style. It seems like there are two options available to me right now.
I've removed the nub at the center of crotch point so the branches are starting to heal over that spot.
Here's an image of the overall tree for context. This is from a couple of weeks ago post repot so hence the wrinkly leaves, but it's pretty lush and healthy now.
1. Wire the long branch to the left upwards to vertical and run it as a new leader adding some height and taper. The left branch is clearly the dominant branch right now and is growing rapidly. The branch on the right continues to be a side branch adding thickness until it's time to design prune.
2. Make the following cut to use the first secondary branch on the left main branch that this already vertical as a new trunk, introducing both taper a little movement as the trunk line shifts to the left.
I'd probably also cut down the vertical branch to allow me to grow the new nodes a lot closer than they are right now.
The zigzag would be pretty drastic at first until my trunk is about 2-2.5x as thick as it is currently and then I hope it would smooth out?
Here's a rough virt showing how I think and hope the new trunk would come through:
I'm definitely new when it comes to styling so I wanted to collect thoughts and ideas for the best way to approach this. I'm not sure if either of those options are possible or would work for what I'm trying to do!
Help appreciated!
I'd like to extend the height of the tree to allow it to be taller and I would also like to continue developing the trunk to be thicker towards an informal upright trunk style. It seems like there are two options available to me right now.
I've removed the nub at the center of crotch point so the branches are starting to heal over that spot.
Here's an image of the overall tree for context. This is from a couple of weeks ago post repot so hence the wrinkly leaves, but it's pretty lush and healthy now.
1. Wire the long branch to the left upwards to vertical and run it as a new leader adding some height and taper. The left branch is clearly the dominant branch right now and is growing rapidly. The branch on the right continues to be a side branch adding thickness until it's time to design prune.
2. Make the following cut to use the first secondary branch on the left main branch that this already vertical as a new trunk, introducing both taper a little movement as the trunk line shifts to the left.
I'd probably also cut down the vertical branch to allow me to grow the new nodes a lot closer than they are right now.
The zigzag would be pretty drastic at first until my trunk is about 2-2.5x as thick as it is currently and then I hope it would smooth out?
Here's a rough virt showing how I think and hope the new trunk would come through:
I'm definitely new when it comes to styling so I wanted to collect thoughts and ideas for the best way to approach this. I'm not sure if either of those options are possible or would work for what I'm trying to do!
Help appreciated!