Does This Cherry have any potential.


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Hi Bnutters,

I am building in-front of this japanese cherry (forgot the cultivar name). So it has to come out next year. Do you guys think it is worth potting up and training. It does back bud very well. I have to raise the crown every year so the trunk is visible.


It has this sticky gum coming out of it. The shrub is super healthy though. Anyone know what it is??


If it is worth saving how would you style it.

Many thanks to all.
I think it would make a nice multi-trunk tree. Pull it up when it's dormant.
If it has to come out, then might as well give it a shot! I second the multi-trunk direction.
It is gumosis from borers. Super common in flowering cherries. It can be controlled with really toxic poisons but not easily. Cut and burn it.
It is gumosis from borers. Super common in flowering cherries. It can be controlled with really toxic poisons but not easily. Cut and burn it.
What kill it!?
I would hate to do that as it was a gift.
What kill it!?
In the US, many of the chemicals that were used are no longer available. I don't know what they use now. Across the pond you need to check to see what you can use. Borers are the most difficult critter to kill because you can't get to them unless you drill them out.
I've read (an hour ago, so thanks for the diagnosis) it can also be caused by mechanical damage / environmental changes. I am going to leave it till it is full defoliated, then give it a good inspection. I chop under the crown every year so could be that. Also the low irrigation sprinkler hits the trunk exactly there every morning so it might be caused from some sort of rot. The sprinkler system was switched off last week for autumn and winter, so I will see how it goes. Otherwise a super low chop might be in order!!
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