Does the stock Chinese elm starter tree have a cultivar name?

I would assume not? Don't see why all the different growers would bother trying to keep uniformity with each other. If they all have their own stock plants that are different from each other, then that can't be a single cultivar.
I guess I am not clear on the question. There are cultivars of the Chinese Elm. But the Chinese Elm is not a cultivar.
We were told it's the same as the Drake elms we have growing in our yard. That kind of threw me. My husband mentioned the bark looked the same and I think it was Jason Schley that said "It is a Drake Elm".
We were told it's the same as the Drake elms we have growing in our yard. That kind of threw me. My husband mentioned the bark looked the same and I think it was Jason Schley that said "It is a Drake Elm".
Drake is a cultivar of Chinese Elm. It was an improved variety developed as a street tree. I have a few in gallon pots and they do have a much more formal upright attitude. I remember planting 2-1/2 " caliper "Drake" many years ago in commercial and occasional residential sites. As I recall, the exfoliation of the bark is also more predictable than the species.
Ulmus parvifloria
This is the botanical name of the Chinese or Lacebark Elm. All those mentioned above, like "Drake" are the cultivars.
I know most of you know this and :) am only attempting to be very clear for those who do not.
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