Does anyone have good source for Nejikan pomegranate in US?


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Hello everyone, I’m looking for a Nejikan pomegranate, here in the US. Does anyone know of a good nursery or private seller that’s selling them? I’m looking for a one in pre bonsai stage so I can work on it in future. I’m not looking for a finished bonsai but ideally I would like for trunk to show some curves but doesn’t have to be super old. If someone knows of a source please help me out. Thank you for your time and help in advance.


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House of Bonsai in LA had a couple on the website last year, none now. But they have way more onsite than is ever shown on the website.

If you are willing to pay what it would be worth for their time, just contact a “local” bonsai pro and see if they can source one for you.
Any chance you found a source?
Hello everyone, I’m looking for a Nejikan pomegranate, here in the US. Does anyone know of a good nursery or private seller that’s selling them? I’m looking for a one in pre bonsai stage so I can work on it in future. I’m not looking for a finished bonsai but ideally I would like for trunk to show some curves but doesn’t have to be super old. If someone knows of a source please help me out. Thank you for your time and help in advance.
Not this variety but Brent has several different kinds listed.
Matt's always got the goods. High-quality seller and knows everything about pots.
yea he was super quick to email me back as i had never bought from him but heard alot great things here about his place. so i ordered one of his japanese twisted Nejikan pomegranates and answered me about them being safe to ship as long as didnt sit outside , since im medically retired im always home so i went with an order for one. super excited to get it and grow it on . idk exactly how long til trunk twists but its going be amazing journey and cant say how happy i am to go on it with the tree. for me it's not about how fast to reach end result as much as journey and learning and enjoying it along the way . i just need figure out best potting medium for indoors and proper size pot for it though it doesnt need be bonsai pot til later when grown more . personally i thin ill work on it being healthy and striving abit before worry on shape form and such.
Your standard well draining medium will work just fine. For faster growth they like a little bit deeper pot. I grew an emperor in a 10” terra cotta azalea pot for about 4 years and it went from a matchstick size to about an inch in that time.
been a while since I've been there but Fuji Bonsai Nursery in Sylmar had a ton with lots of sizes/ shapes to pick from, if you're near SoCal
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