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Davis, CA
Do you think this would work?

"[Crowley] had heard about talking to plants in the early seventies, on Radio Four, and thought it an excellent idea. Although talking is perhaps the wrong word for what Crowley did.
What he did was put the fear of God into them.
More precisely, the fear of Crowley.
In addition to which, every couple of months Crowley would pick out a plant that was growing too slowly, or succumbing to leaf-wilt or browning, or just didn't look quite as good as the others, and he would carry it around to all the other plants. 'Say goodbye to your friend,' he'd say to them. 'He just couldn't cut it ...'
Then he would leave the flat with the offending plant, and return an hour or so later with a large, empty flower pot, which he would leave somewhere conspicuously around the flat.
The plants were the most luxurious, verdant, and beautiful in London. Also the most terrified."

Good Omens Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Man sounds like Crowley was a psycho! I always talk to my plants but all I do is compliment them and tell the weaker ones, come little guy/lady you can do better you have a beautiful life ahead of you . Its funny that I always seem to pick a sex for my plants with no more thought than that one is a lady and that one is a guy.

I do remember an old study done years ago that proved that plants responded to sound stimuli, plants were exposed to harsh sounds and soothing sounds also heavy metal type music and easy listening type music. Intuitively as it would seem, plants that were exposed to soothing sounds fared much better than those exposed to harsh noises as did the plants exposed to soothing music fared better than plants that were exposed to heavy metal type music.

yes, I talk to my tree babies. No I don't give them names. I sure hope Crowley didn't have any kids.
Man sounds like Crowley was a psycho!

I always talk to my plants but all I do is compliment them and tell the weaker ones, come little guy/lady you can do better you have a beautiful life ahead of you . Its funny that I always seem to pick a sex for my plants with no more thought than that one is a lady and that one is a guy.

I do remember an old study done years ago that proved that plants responded to sound stimuli,...


Not quite a psycho, the book's Dramatis Personae reads:

"Crowley (An Angel who did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards)"

really, during the book, Crowley and Aziraphael talk at length about whether either of them are really evil or good, or if they are just essentially being what they are...

I talk to them too:"PLEASE don't die, Ill do what ever you want!!! PLLEEEAAAASSSEEEEEE... I like irreverent names like paddington ( i'm saving that for my first pine) and Quagmire, hes not looking so hot right now...:(

I've read that study too hard to explain... but very cool!
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