Do wounds on jade(crassula) heal?

Bonsai Tree

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I know that many may consider jade a pseudo-bonsai species, but I'd still like to ask. If a branch or stem is pruned off, will the scar or wound ever callous over and heal? I have many new shoots pushing out at the base of the trunk. I'd like to leave them to thicken the trunk, but if it leaves a forever hole in the plant, I'll just pinch those suckered off now.
Naturaly, you should watch the whole video. But, here is what I mean, with the exact timestamp where trimming & wound healing is discussed:

Naturaly, you should watch the whole video. But, here is what I mean, with the exact timestamp where trimming & wound healing is discussed:

In the thumbnail of the video you've linked, you can see three spots on the trunk of the jade where there was once a branch. Those will never heal over(there will always be a scar)? My assumption is yes.
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