This Forsythia has grown in my front garden for many years.
I live here for 10 years now and the preveous owners of the house planted this a long time ago before that i estimate its about 30 years old maybe even older!
The trunk used to be alive all the way to the top but two years ago that part died back.
i had plans to dig this one up years ago but never got to it but now i want to change my front garden and its in the wrong spot now
the tree was waking up so i dug it up today and potted it up!
the trunk appears to be hollow at the bottom, the roots are all around alive tough its free so i will see what i can grow out of this.
it will be put in a spot in the garden and will be left alone for now the long dead trunk has to be shortened at some point but for now i will let nature carve out the deadwood
and let the living parts get strong and healthy growing.
as i dug it up

Buds opening up

i cut of the big tap root and washed off the clay soil and a picture with my hand for scale i didnt measure the base but its a decent size trunk !

you can see that a part of the bark on the trunk is likely dead i will let nature do its thing and see what ill be left to work with in the future.

I live here for 10 years now and the preveous owners of the house planted this a long time ago before that i estimate its about 30 years old maybe even older!
The trunk used to be alive all the way to the top but two years ago that part died back.
i had plans to dig this one up years ago but never got to it but now i want to change my front garden and its in the wrong spot now
the tree was waking up so i dug it up today and potted it up!
the trunk appears to be hollow at the bottom, the roots are all around alive tough its free so i will see what i can grow out of this.
it will be put in a spot in the garden and will be left alone for now the long dead trunk has to be shortened at some point but for now i will let nature carve out the deadwood
and let the living parts get strong and healthy growing.
as i dug it up

Buds opening up

i cut of the big tap root and washed off the clay soil and a picture with my hand for scale i didnt measure the base but its a decent size trunk !

you can see that a part of the bark on the trunk is likely dead i will let nature do its thing and see what ill be left to work with in the future.