Deep Sea Diver - Vance Wood Mugo Contest

Deep Sea Diver

Imperial Masterpiece
Reaction score
Bothell, WA
Been trying to avoid joining any contests, on dive boats, in bars, and when doing bonsai….

… but this little tree called out to me. The rest is history. Fleet Admiral (aka:”Don’t you think we are starting to get too many trees?”) is tolerating it…. So here we go!

Tree in Flower World nursery

Check out line.IMG_2111.jpeg

Don’t see much happening this year. Maybe add some nursery media to raise the tree up to give more sun to the cluster of young branches.

Likely this will be a smaller composition.

DSD sends

… as always when talking young trees out of nursery pots this time of the year, one can can end up being i up to one’s kiester in a rats nest. This was that…. @$!!

In the end all I can say is the tree is back in the pot sans a few, or more, longish roots …

Also trimmed off some foliage that would not help and wired up the sacrifice and the actual tree as I see it… see
lower branch.

After adding potting soil to mix.



Under a bench in decent sun light for now. Full sun if survives a couple weeks.


Best regards
DSD sends
I'm dying to know what a diving boat contest consists of? :)

Nice Mugo.

MTM gets the bends.
So just imagine anything bravely foolish a diver could do from diving off the flying bridge of the dive boat in everything from a birthday suit to geared up (been there. Done that… tallest was 40’) to the bottom of the deepest part of the sea a scuba diver can reach… them were da dumb ole days.

Sooo… stupidly macho!

Happy Friday!
DSD sends
So just imagine anything bravely foolish a diver could do from diving off the flying bridge of the dive boat in everything from a birthday suit to geared up (been there. Done that… tallest was 40’) to the bottom of the deepest part of the sea a scuba diver can reach… them were da dumb ole days.

Sooo… stupidly macho!

Happy Friday!
DSD sends
As long as you learn that part you should be good. Thanks for letting me imagine myself doing a 40' butt naked belly smacker, & sinking to the deepest part of the ocean. :) That does sound crazy. Sorry for fouling up your thread with silliness.
No worries. An occasional short bird walk is ok with me …

One thing J learned very soon after that incident was there are old divers and bold divers, but no old bold divers!

…incidentally landing on one’s belly is frowned upon!

Have a great weekend!
DSD sends
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