Hope everyone is doing well.
This post is not really related to bonsai or initial styling but I just found this little guy alone, in the shade with sparce foliage and couldn't resist..
In my quest to save every tree I see that are struggling and try as hard as I can to transform it into a jem, I brought this tree back home hoping my wife wouldnt file for divorce...
After a 15mins argument I can keep it after making all kind of promises!!
The owner was asking 25$... I will resale it and so on.
My horticultural knowledge is somewhat limited as Im a beginner so I would like your help on the identificarion of what I think is a Cypress or false cypress (Im a bit lost with this identification).
I hope the pictures attached will help you, I can provide more pictures if needed.
On the other hand I would like to have your advises in term of placement in my yard and particular care for the tree in its actual state.
I can provide various conditions in term of light density and duration so please feel free to suggest what would be best for this little guy in the coming weeks.
More on its current state:
I can tell you the substrate is fully organic.
Tree "seems" to be surviving but not thriving, foliage is sparce, dying here and there but there is also healthy foliage all around the tree.
No signs of fertilizer application.
Last repot date unknown
Age unknown
At 25$ let say the owner didnt had the full pedigree!
Here some pictures:
Damaged foliage
Soil surface
After the tree is healthy I will start drawing my ideas of the first design.
I find it has potential for different styles!
Im sure I will have alot of fun working on this tree But nothing will be done until Im sure of its correct health condition.
Thanks again for your help and your time
Hope everyone is doing well.
This post is not really related to bonsai or initial styling but I just found this little guy alone, in the shade with sparce foliage and couldn't resist..
In my quest to save every tree I see that are struggling and try as hard as I can to transform it into a jem, I brought this tree back home hoping my wife wouldnt file for divorce...
After a 15mins argument I can keep it after making all kind of promises!!
The owner was asking 25$... I will resale it and so on.
My horticultural knowledge is somewhat limited as Im a beginner so I would like your help on the identificarion of what I think is a Cypress or false cypress (Im a bit lost with this identification).
I hope the pictures attached will help you, I can provide more pictures if needed.
On the other hand I would like to have your advises in term of placement in my yard and particular care for the tree in its actual state.
I can provide various conditions in term of light density and duration so please feel free to suggest what would be best for this little guy in the coming weeks.
More on its current state:
I can tell you the substrate is fully organic.
Tree "seems" to be surviving but not thriving, foliage is sparce, dying here and there but there is also healthy foliage all around the tree.
No signs of fertilizer application.
Last repot date unknown
Age unknown
At 25$ let say the owner didnt had the full pedigree!
Here some pictures:
Damaged foliage
Soil surface
After the tree is healthy I will start drawing my ideas of the first design.
I find it has potential for different styles!
Im sure I will have alot of fun working on this tree But nothing will be done until Im sure of its correct health condition.
Thanks again for your help and your time