This tree spent a brief amount of time in the ground where it never really thickened but I was able to get a good headstart on healing a wound up top. I liked the slow curve in the trunk and the nebari was pretty tidy for an Elm, but back when I purchased this tree I was all about thick trunks and taper. I believe it only spent 12 months in the ground, when I dug it up to work on the roots in Winter '16 I saw what could be a more feminine design and even drew a rough virtual.
So now I had a plan for the tree but no room on the benches, I decided to pop it back in the ground another 12 months. Again, growth wasnt that great but it stayed alive and ready to begin life towards being a bonsai. Here it is in Winer '17 cut back hard to begin building the structure.
By Summer it was beginning to grow well, the battle with Elms is rubbing off the uneccessary buds
One year out of the ground and in a black nursery pot I decided to get this into a small bonsai pot in an attempt to build fine ramification. Winter '18
In leaf Summer '19 with scale reference
And as of today, Winter '19. There is still a lot of building of branches to be done but I'm happy with the progress to date. Looking back at my original vision for the tree I'm amazed that I have been able to mostly follow it, apart from the apex. My biggest gripe with this tree is that all the Cork bark down low was lost while planted in the ground, I think moisture played a part in that. With time it will grow back I just need to be patient. Just thought Id post a little progression series, would love any feedback if you've got it.
So now I had a plan for the tree but no room on the benches, I decided to pop it back in the ground another 12 months. Again, growth wasnt that great but it stayed alive and ready to begin life towards being a bonsai. Here it is in Winer '17 cut back hard to begin building the structure.
By Summer it was beginning to grow well, the battle with Elms is rubbing off the uneccessary buds
One year out of the ground and in a black nursery pot I decided to get this into a small bonsai pot in an attempt to build fine ramification. Winter '18
In leaf Summer '19 with scale reference
And as of today, Winter '19. There is still a lot of building of branches to be done but I'm happy with the progress to date. Looking back at my original vision for the tree I'm amazed that I have been able to mostly follow it, apart from the apex. My biggest gripe with this tree is that all the Cork bark down low was lost while planted in the ground, I think moisture played a part in that. With time it will grow back I just need to be patient. Just thought Id post a little progression series, would love any feedback if you've got it.